Acupuncture Center of Kansas City

Natural Healing Through Acupuncture

The ancient Chinese knew 5000 years ago what western traditional medicine is just now learning, that acupuncture works to heal your body, naturally, and so much more…
In China acupuncture is a component of TCM -Traditional Chinese Medicine which also includes manipulation, diet, and herbs, as well as the mind. The secret of success in China has been a concern with the underlying causes and location of the energy imbalances in the body, rather than with the concept of primary symptoms. The key to treating these underlying causes has been the balancing of the meridians. The thousands of acupuncture points throughout the body present areas where an individual’s qi can be accessed and adjusted.
The acupuncturist uses the specific character of each point, and precise pathway of each meridian to decide where a needle needs to be inserted in order to restore the proper flow of qi in the body. When this is achieved, an immediate increase in wellness is often experienced, with subsequent treatments building and adding upon each other.
Call 816-584-0444 to schedule your complementary consultation!

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(816) 584-0444